How Does the Internet Work? A Journey to the Heart of the World's Web

How Does the Internet Work? A Journey to the Heart of the World's Web

The Internet serves more than communication and information access functions because it functions as an interconnected system consisting of many networks and technical components which generates the everyday user experience.

The understanding of Internet operation requires studying its foundational technical elements including hierarchical computer networks along with the data management protocols.

Internet infrastructure contains various layers which begin with user contact points before reaching the Internet backbone comprised of submarine cables and giant data facilities.

The Internet routing systems function as central nodes to control network activity along with directing information packets to their required destinations.

Unique Internet Protocol addresses serve to identify network-connected devices whereas Domain Name System enables network translation of website names into Internet Protocol standards.

Internet servers located at the application level communicate with clients through specified protocols on assigned ports.

URL functions as a tool for identifying web resources but the Domain Name System functions secretly to help users reach the accurate site.

We will thoroughly study these components throughout this article for understanding their collaborative process that created the Internet which serves as the foundation of our digital times.

Computer networks

The definition of a network requires understanding before moving on to Internet details. The definition of a network presents as an interlinked organization of computers which operates as data transmitters between one another.

A computer network operates similar to a social system where connected members maintain regular communication exchanges. Every object which accesses Internet connections belongs to a network where devices in personal residences are included.

Your computer needs either a cable or fiber optic modem to ensure connection with your Internet service provider (ISP).

Your company connects your local area network devices through its Internet provider so they can access the global network.

The device links to a company network when it establishes its connection. The operating service connects with more extensive networks since the Internet functions as a collection of connected network systems.

Major telecom backbone connections to the Internet function as permanent Internet associations which offer high bandwidth capability that enables simultaneous multiple user capabilities.

The company operates offices within each region to provide main network connectivity to residential homes and commercial establishments. The system exists without a central control mechanism since data moves along trajectories from different points.

Any network device failure automatically redirects digital packets so files can reach their destination regardless of user detection of routing change.

Company A functions as a small entity with its server combined with networked printers while Company B works as a big Internet Service Provider (ISP) that maintains routing equipment among multiple major city offices.

The extensive nature of Company B enables the building of fiber optic connections between its facilities for maintaining company-wide communication.

All company A customers can communicate among themselves while all company B customers have a similar communication ability but the two networks do not connect to each other.

The two companies follow individual network systems without interoperability between networks. Given the technical obstacles between networks the parties decide to establish "Internet Access Points" (IXPs) located in different cities for their communication needs.

The points serve to enable network communication between the two companies to establish connections with each other and networks operating on the Internet.

Two stand-alone networks can transmit data across the Internet through their Internet Access Point connections even though this scenario represents merely a portion of Internet activity.

internet router

The communication between Internet networks demands Internet Access Points and Backbones and Routers as fundamental components.

Computer-originating messages move quickly through multiple networks across half the planet to reach their destination computer in a short time period.

Network routers choose the routing sequence for device-to-device data transfers. Routers are specialized network machines that deliver all Internet messages along multiple thousands of paths while deducing unnecessary destinations.

Routers perform two basic functions:

  • A necessary network function which prevents data transmission to unwanted destinations helps stop data congestion and safeguard user activities.
  • The main function that ensures accurate and efficient data transmission is delivering information exactly to its destination.

The two critical operations conducted by routers enable the governance of different network systems.

The connection of routers between two networks enables information surrogacy through protection mechanisms which restrict superfluous data transmission between networks.

No change occurs in the fundamental operational processes even though multiple networks attach to the router. The size and connection of networks within the Internet requires routers to serve as fundamental operational elements.

backbone of the internet

The US National Science Foundation (NSF) introduced the first high-speed Internet backbone system NSFNET during 1986 through T1 lines which joined together 170 micronetworks at 1.5 megabits per second.

After partnering with merchants including IBM and MCI and Merit the NSF launched a second T3 backbone network which operated at 45 megabits per second.

The Internet backbone works as an extensive infrastructure by establishing superior connection capabilities than standard residential links to central offices.

Only major telecom firms owned the capability to operate this high bandwidth during the initial Internet era.

Companies can now operate this high bandwidth while forming network connections through different Internet Access Points (IXPs) established worldwide.

Users across the Internet can exchange messages with all other users no matter what service providers they use and where their locations are.

IP addresses

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses serve as single identification numbers for every device that operates on the Internet while Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) functions as the other key communication protocol.

Services allow human and program users to communicate through pre-established methods which we refer to as protocols.

The IPv4 address structure contains sections that are displayed as

Human memory benefits from using decimal numbers with dots as a simpler method of address recollection as shown in the previous example.

The computer system works with binary format so the above mentioned IP address transforms to 11011000.00011011.00111101.10001001 during communication.

Each group of eight binary digits in an IPv4 address equals an octet because the complete formation consists of 8 positions when displayed.

Each location within the system creates a total of 32 locations which transforms IPv4 addresses into a system based on 32-bit numerical values.

Each byte made up of 8 positions exists in either of two possible states (1 or 0) which results in 2 raised to the power of 8, or 256 combinations.

A single 8 bit segment allows storage for any value between zero and two hundred fifty-five therefore four octets yield a maximum total of two to the power thirty-two distinct outcomes totaling 4294967296.

Among the 4.3 billion possible IPv4 address combinations a selection exists for specific designated network uses.

The reserved address represents local network devices and broadcast uses the address

The massive expansion of Internet networks demanded a whole new addressing model despite the big total of 4.3 billion possible values.

Experts at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) initiated development of the new 128-bit system during the latter part of 1998.

The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) address release of June 6, 2012 provides a total of 340 trillion to the power 3 address possibilities.

IPv6 addresses feature a distinctive format which differs from the original IPv4 addresses created during the 1970s period.

An IPv6 address consists of segments that organize four number sequences divided by colons starting with ba5a:9a72:4aa5:522e:b893:78dd:a6c4:f033.

IPv6 employs hexadecimals for its numeric system thus needing sixteen characters where letters A through F stand for double-digits.

The eight digits in IPv4 protocols establish multiple IP address categories that determine which address blocks get distributed to distinctive entities according to their organizational scale and operational requirements.

The eight bits within IPv4 addresses split numbers while also permitting entities to allocate their address Classes according to their size requirements.

These eight bits distribute network information within the first section followed by identity details of the hosts in the second section. The first eight bits define how to recognize the network affiliation of a computer device.

The host identification function occurs in the final part of IPv4 structure which operates within five defined classes together with specific network identifiers.

Domain Name System

During the early period of the Internet two or three computers utilized modems to communicate through telephone lines across their connections.

IP address entry represented the only way to create device connections since it acted as a necessary step in the linking process.

The standard Internet Protocol (IP) address example appears as

The manual IP address entry process started during times when the network contained few devices however it became unmanageable as system numbers expanded.

The first basic solution emerged as a Host Table text file that the Network Information Center maintained to address the problem.

The involvement of numerous systems in the network caused the file to expand beyond manageable limits thereby rendering it cumbersome to maintain.

Paul Mockapetris sent two proposals to the International Network Working Group (INWG) in November 1983.

The DNS Domain Name System concepts received their definition through his first proposal while his second proposal specified DNS implementation methods.

Mokapetris and his team succeeded in making the Internet easier to navigate through text names accessible at "" instead of complex IP address formats.

Until this innovation the Internet faced severe obstacles for global spread and use but it became possible through this breakthrough.

Uniform Resource Locator

People who visit the internet or send messages through email depend on domain names to complete their operations.

When you use a domain name DNS servers execute an immediate transformation of the domain name into its equivalent IP address that computers can understand.

Among all top-level domains the main ones are the.COM, .ORG, .NET, .EDU and .GOV.

A top-level domain contains an extremely extensive set of level two domains.

Within top-level domain (.NET), the Al Jazeera Media Network operates its website at through the host name designation that points to a specific directory existing on particular machines with respective Internet Protocol (IP) addresses assigned to specific domains.

The domain system allows the possession of millions of unique hostnames when each hostname maintains its distinctness within the domain structure.

The Domain Name System (DNS) servers operate to receive program and server requests which transform domain names into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

A DNS server performs four actions when processing a request: Direct response to provide IP address, Request assistance for IP look-up from another server, Refer to another server when unable to resolve address and provide alternate server information, Return an error message for invalid or nonexisting domain names.

As the Internet's fundamental system the Domain Name System enables users to browse through text names which convert into machine-sensible numbers for smooth navigation.

The address that you entered through your browser. The browser seeks an Internet Protocol address from the Domain Name System server during this process.

The Domain Name System server initiates Internet Protocol address lookup through a voyage to one of its root servers.

The DNS root servers maintain a list of every Internet Protocol (IP) address that belongs to Domain Name System (DNS) servers operating within their top-level domains.

The Domain Name System (DNS) server sends a request to the root server for information and receives directional information about the .NET domain server.

A Domain Name System (DNS) server queries the top-level DNS (.NET) server for IP address information and the server responds with these addresses since it maintains the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of name servers.

DNS servers ask server for the IP address of and the server responds with the IP because it maintains the IP of

The Internet Protocol (IP) address of arrives at the browser before the server receives instruction to obtain the web page.

The success of this procedure requires continuous operation along with server memory storage.

Each process level contains several servers that serve as backup in case a server fails to maintain continuous service for incoming requests.

The Domain Name System (DNS) server saves Internet Protocol (IP) addresses that result from its request resolutions.

The server maintains a reserved address after making queries to top-level Domain Name System (.NET) servers because it eliminates the need to contact root servers for subsequent similar requests.

The Domain Name System (DNS) servers operate under user invisibility to process billions of requests daily while underpinning the consistent performance of the Internet.

Internet servers and clients

Every device operating within the Internet belongs to one of two categories: server or client. A server functions to provide services for other devices whereas the devices seeking these services are termed clients.

Servers such as email, web, FTP, and additional machines handle various Internet needs for global users across the world.

Users work from client devices while entering the web server taghdoutelive for page reading through the website

During server connection the client operates with a defined setup which directs requests to designated server program operating on the server hardware.

A web browser operating on your device connects to web servers using server devices instead of email servers.

Users can easily access the server at any time using its fixed IP address setup.

Homemade devices that reach the Internet through a modem system obtain their IP address dynamically from the Internet Service Provider each time they establish a connection. The temporary IP address that functions during a connection period transforms when you start another link.

A service provider benefits from dynamic IP addresses because it enables sharing of one IP address per network device instead of requiring individual addresses per customer thus optimizing resources while minimizing static address requirements.

Ports and Hypertext Transfer Protocol

All servers work through numbered ports to distribute their services and each available server service obtains its own designated port number.

Server equipment that provides both web server and file transfer server functions make their services available through port 80 for the web services and port 21 for file transfers.

A service becomes accessible to clients through designated Internet Protocol addresses and ports after which clients use particular communication protocols to access the ported services.

A protocol determines the rules which clients use to communicate with servers. Almost every web server operating on the internet recognizes and supports Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Information travels quickly across the world using the essential components of networks routers Internet service providers and domain name servers which make up the Internet infrastructure.

Modern life depends on these components which form the foundation of Internet operations while their absence would mean Internet nonexistence and a radically altered lifestyle for most people.

Rachid Achaoui
Rachid Achaoui Hello, I'm Rachid Achaoui. I am a fan of technology, sports and looking for new things very interested in the field of IPTV. We welcome everyone. If you like what I offer you can support me on PayPal: Communicate with me via WhatsApp : ⁦+212 695-572901

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